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Ellis Paul


Jun 21 2016: Spire Center, Club Passim, and Songwriting Retreat

Hi all--

I was driving along 81 South last night, at dusk, on my home to Charlottesville from upstate New York. There was a full moon over the Blue Ridge, and I was remembering a day, two decades ago when I was driving the same highway and admiring how incredibly beautiful Virginia was-- and thinking to myself: "I'm going to live here someday..."  I don't know why I thought it, or why it stuck. But here I am, without a plan I somehow brought that thought to fruition.

Most of my work is in the Northeast. I was raised in Maine and became an adult and an artist in Boston, so my DNA was developed there and my self identity will always be Boston/Maine. Most of my friends and family are up here. Maine is spectacularly beautiful, and Boston is one of the most vital, thriving cities in the world. Then there's Virginia-- it is a sleepy, lazy kinda beautiful, slower, more thoughtful, zen. If you've ever been through the rolling mountains and fields on the lower half of 81, you will know. And it suits this part of my life perfectly. But, I'm constantly home sick. The food, the ocean, the accents, my friends, the scene in New England.

I just drove back from a show in Saratoga Springs, down 81 to spend some much needed time with my kids, and then I'm back in the CRV Thursday with three guitars, pulling onto 81 north and watching the speedometer climb over 570,000 miles this week to get back to Massachusetts for shows at The Spire Center in Plymouth, on Friday, and Club Passim on Saturday, including aFamily Show in the afternoon. I can't wait to see Boston's skyline and the Pru from the Mass Pike. It's like a reboot. My energy changes, the world moves slightly faster, salt from the ocean wafts into the vent system.

I can't wait for these shows!  Come on out!

I am also teaching this summer-- if you want to reinvigorate your art, come on out!

Summer Songwriter Retreat!
Aug 11-14th
Craigville Retreat Center

Join Vance Gilbert, my managers Ralph Jaccodine and Brittany Bethune, and me for three days and nights at the Craigville Retreat Center on Cape Cod to revitalize your writing, your creativity, and your music. The songwriting camp is open to people of all ages and levels, and we will be focusing classes and exercises on chasing ideas, focused editing, intuitive composition, live performance and the business of music and getting your songs out into the world. The food and lodging is provided, and the retreat center is a short walk to waves in an idyllic setting, a perfect place to conjure your muse. Come be part of a community and elevate you artistic life for three days of intensive workshopping!

Swannanoa Gathering
Last week of July!

In the heart of North Carolina, this one of the best retreats for music you can find out there. There are a myriad of classes and teachers to choose from: Janis Ian, Kathy Mattea, Cliff Eberhardt and many others will be in staff.

Woody Guthrie Folk Festival
July 16th

I will be teaching a three hour songwriting class on Saturday, July 16th, at the Woody Guthrie Festival. The focus will be on imagery of Woody Guthrie's writing, and how to edit and incorporate that in your own songs. Go to the festival website for more info!

Thanks for allowing me to stay on the road doing this!

See you out there!
