The New Logo for The Storyteller's Suitcase
Hi Everyone--
I'm stretching my boundries in this new gig economy. Almost every musician has to-- and it's not just the multi-tasking of booking and managing and social media and promotion-- it's literally taking on new jobs, like teaching, leading travel excursions, creating income with other skills like computer work, illustration, website design. I know that we aren't the only industry having to do this, hell, there are painters who wake up in the morning to drive a school bus. Teachers who tend bar. Scientists who do research during the day and tutor at the local library at night.
The music industry has been rocked. One third of my income, that money I made from CD sales at stores and at shows has completely evaporated. Fortunately, I have resourceful skills, and I have been able to stretch my career into children's music, illustration, books, mentoring, retreats, and vacation excursions. I love all of them, but what I am best at is spending time with a candle, a glass of wine, and my guitar writing songs. I've got the best of four years worth of my songwriting coming out on "The Storyteller's Suitcase". You can hear me break in some of these songs on the dates I've got listed here-- Baltimore tomorrow, then a week long stint at the South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind-- then a stream of shows; NJ, MA, Ok, TX, CA, OR, CT, NH and more.... I need to keep writing new material, to keep my sanity and to keep growing within my life as an artist, and as an older artist. Many people are coming back to my shows after a long hiatus to raise kids and are wanting to hear songs from 1992. I love this! Sorry to disappoint you, but check out these new ideas about where we are now! keep coming, keep growing with me!
I want to teach. I want to inspire kids, and I want to move YOU with the best version of my art I can create. And, I can't do it without you all.
Music Now on Spotify and Other Digital Outlets
Speaking of older music, Concord Music has finally put all of my Rounder albums up on all their digital streaming partners like Spotify, Apple, Amazon. So now you can actually hear "The World Ain't Slowin' Down" and all my other music from the last twenty years on those outlets. Its a good place to look back. Go revisit me from the 90's.
The Storyteller's Suitcase
But let's look forward! The fundraiser for the new album is still thriving-- we now have enough for the recording budget with over 150 contributors! The new logo is right here for you to see and will be stamped on many of the mysterious items you can enjoy by making these songs take flight. it begins with a simple pre-order of the digital download to actual little suitcase, house concerts, custom songs, artwork etc! My personal favorite is the flasks that come along with the purchase of the mystery suitcases. The Storyteller's Suitcase is a collection of songs of travel, adventure and love.
This bucket list trip trip will be an incredible weeklong adventure on one of the prettiest places in America, Monhegan Island. Roots on the Rails asked me to lead a trip and bring along my favorite musicians, so I call in Sam Baker and Antje Duvekot two of the best songwriter's in the country to join us on this adventure. We start in Portland, take a mail ferry to the island, spend four nights at an historic inn on the island. Hike, paint, breathe during the day, celebrate at night. Spots are going fast for this, so please jump in! Go to http://www.rootsontherails.com/upcoming-trips-2018-monhegan-island-me for more details!
August 31-September 4th at the Historic Guest House Retreat Center in Chester, CT. Four days of great food, performances, and intensiveworkshop instruction by some of the best touring artists in America. Performance, Booking, Songwriting, Publishing, Social Media-- we have classes on it all. Up your game, your confidence and your direction with some one on time with us. Meet other musicians from all over America! Click here for more information: