Midwest this week and CD musings part 2
Hi all,
Below is the link to my blog for the next installment of my musings about the new CD. As I mentioned in the last email, there's a lot to say so I am breaking it up into segments. The CD is currently available at shows only. In January it will be available to buy on line at my website,Amazon,ITunes,etc.
This weekend I will be in Cleveland at the Beachland Ballroom, Ann Arbor at The Ark, Evanston, IL at S.P.A.C.E. and Madison at High Noon Saloon. All the shows are co-bills with Ari Hest,Ari's website I am really looking forward to hearing his music all weekend. The following week I am in Northern California with Antje Duvekot!Antje's website Finally, I get to see her perform again, it has been a while. And for all of you in the Berkeley area the show is at the NEW Freight and Salvage! Looking forward to performing in the new space! You can check my website for all the details of upcoming shows which are added weekly. click away!
Here is the link to the blog... enjoy...
The Day After Everything Changed and the thoughts that are swirling in my head...
Here's the link to the free download of the song... please pass it on!
Click for download of "The Day After Everything Changed"
To those of you that have sent an unsubscribe in the last few weeks... If you are receiving this email it is because there was a glitch in "The system" We did not ignore your request. Please resend your request and we will make sure to to take you off the mailing list. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Below is the link to my blog for the next installment of my musings about the new CD. As I mentioned in the last email, there's a lot to say so I am breaking it up into segments. The CD is currently available at shows only. In January it will be available to buy on line at my website,Amazon,ITunes,etc.
This weekend I will be in Cleveland at the Beachland Ballroom, Ann Arbor at The Ark, Evanston, IL at S.P.A.C.E. and Madison at High Noon Saloon. All the shows are co-bills with Ari Hest,Ari's website I am really looking forward to hearing his music all weekend. The following week I am in Northern California with Antje Duvekot!Antje's website Finally, I get to see her perform again, it has been a while. And for all of you in the Berkeley area the show is at the NEW Freight and Salvage! Looking forward to performing in the new space! You can check my website for all the details of upcoming shows which are added weekly. click away!
Here is the link to the blog... enjoy...
The Day After Everything Changed and the thoughts that are swirling in my head...
Here's the link to the free download of the song... please pass it on!
Click for download of "The Day After Everything Changed"
To those of you that have sent an unsubscribe in the last few weeks... If you are receiving this email it is because there was a glitch in "The system" We did not ignore your request. Please resend your request and we will make sure to to take you off the mailing list. Apologies for any inconvenience.
- Ellis Paul Madison, WI Show 9/20 CANCELED
- Midwest this week and CD musings part 2
- New CD musings Part 1; Hartford Tonight!
- 4 Years later... and still Katrina's effects are felt
- New CD... NYC Tomorrow! Charlotte, NC... Decatur, GA and Oak Ridge, TN
- Ellis all the way from New England to the South...
- Great Events coming up! New CD Preview Event in Boston!
- Real Life...Second Life...
- A Valentines Serenade
- Thank you all for a great 2008...on to 2009!
- Coming down the stretch of 2008...NYC, Chicago, Indy, Louisville, Portland, ME and Passim!
- Live CD Recorded at Eddies Attic now on sale...Wheels are rolling to NYC, Chicago, Indy, PASSIM, Dayton, Bloomington, Nashville, St. Louis, Louisville........