You buy Hurricane Angel, We all help the Gulf Coast

Thanks very much or the support at the recent shows, I have been enjoying playing the new material slated for the next album project for everyone, and slowly breaking the songs into a final form for recording. I need your ears and comments on the songs! Let me know what you think on the discussion board, as I am trying to select the songs for the new project. We plan on recording in January!
We had a great retreat at the West Mountain Inn in Arlington, VT. I managed to not repeat a song over three nights, two campfires, and one dinner party, and played nearly 100 songs in all. A beautiful spot, Arlington was Norman Rockwell's hometown at one point! The Inn was comfortable and rustic, a perfect place for concerts and relaxation. People were hiking, climbing, tubing, biking, kayaking. They seemed to have a wonderful time, though I preferred the couch potato route. .. Thanks to everyone who came, and especially Tim and Lori Blixt who arranged the event and were graceful hosts to us all.
Hurricane Angel
We have decided to release a live version of my new song Hurricane Angel, recorded at Schuba's Tavern in Chicago, on my website we are selling it for .99 with a portion of proceeds going to the Red Cross and their efforts to rebuild the Gulf coast after the recent spate of hurricane's there. I can't believe the devastation that has been seen by our brothers and sisters down in Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana, Alabama and Texas, and I would really like to see the song help there as much as possible. We can't wait for it to appear on a record but in the mean time with so much of the work needed to be done now, we thought it would be great to make the song available for download.
Here's the link:Hurricane Angel Download
Dragonfly Races
We are happy to announce a BACK TO SCHOOL sale on Dragonfly Races! Since The Dragonfly Races has been released, we have been very pleased to see a number of teachers use it in their class curriculum. We have received several orders from teachers and parents who have bought a whole bunch to use in the classrooms and libraries. As a way to spur on this kind of use, we are giving a special sale price to Dragonfly through next month. The CD's will be $9.99 each when you purchase 5 CD's or more. For each 5 you buy, I'll include a limited edition CD, "Live from WERS", which has exclusive versions of unreleased new songs and some old favorites. This is not available for sale anywhere. WERS is one of the first stations in the country to play my music. Buy it for your kid's school, town's library or family reunion! Here is the link: Dragonfly Races Special Offer
I was sent these pictures from a teacher in New Mexico that had a "Wabi Sabi Week"what a great idea! At the top of the letter is a picture of all the items with "Wabi Sabi Soul" the students brought in and her comments:
"I teach third grade so I ordered the CD for my students. They LOVED it! I ran copies of the lyrics for them and we sang and sang and sang. Their favorite song was The Dragonfly Song. The other one they really enjoyed was the Wabi Sabi song. We discussed the concept of Wabi Sabi and the kids decided they wanted to have a Wabi Sabi Day. It actually turned into an entire week! It was great, Ellis. We invited parents and the other classrooms and shared our most valued Wabi Sabi items. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
I would love for everyone to share ways in which you have used a song(s) from The Dragonfly Races to educate kids. Post it on the discussion board, or or you can send it to this email address and we'll post it for you. I am really looking forward to hearing your creative ideas!
My tour dates are updated weekly so check back at to see when I'll be head'n your way.
See y'all out there!
- Ellis Paul on the road, radio and country music
- You buy Hurricane Angel, We all help the Gulf Coast
- Ellis Paul's New England Summer Dreams
- Thanks for your amazing response... and coming home to Maine
- A Letter From Ellis
- Dusty wins more than a race!
- Ellis in MA, ME, AL, GA, TX, Chicago, Milwaukee.......
- Let's Get The Races Started!
- Sugarland to Record Ellis Paul Song!
- Dragonflies Racing and Chameleons Protesting in D.C. For Change!
- Brooklyn, Brattleboro and Beyond!