Happy New Year!

I am eternally grateful to music and those of you who have supported me throughout the pandemic. Thank you. I sincerely hope for you a better new year and hope to see your face as the road opens and the stage lights turn on again.
I’m including my list of resolutions from last year. I don’t think my sense of optimism can top this after the year we’ve been through. Check them out below.
But first, here’s some exciting news!
Ellis Paul Tribute Show Tonight (Dec. 30)
Club Passim is hosting an Ellis Paul Tribute Night with 30 artists performing 30 Ellis Paul songs! It kicks off at 7pm ET, and since one would normally have to be departed from this mortal world to be honored by such a spectacle, I figured I will tune in and cheer the artists on: David Wilcox, Vance Gilbert, Christopher Williams, Laurie MacAllister, and many, many more will perform! It will be broadcast on my Ellis Paul Facebook page as well as Passim's Facebook page, linked below. Click below to watch!
New Year's Eve Show Tomorrow (Dec. 31)
The big event is tomorrow night! It begins at 9pm ET and will run until after midnight! I am debuting a new song about the year 2020, called "It’s a Mean World" and releasing a single to PATREON members within the next couple of days. Please consider signing up! Patreon membership begins at $1/month at www.patreon.com/ellispaul.
Details for the NYE show:
New Years Eve at Club Passim with Ellis Paul and Friends! This is the 26th? year in a row! Rebecca Loebe, Don Conoscenti, Rad Lorkovic, Laurie MacAllister, Abbie Gardner, Craig Akin, Christopher Williams and more join in! Click below to watch!
New Year's Day Show (Jan. 1)
On New Year's Day I'll be doing a Facebook live stream show for the venue One Longfellow Square in Portland, Maine.The show will be broadcast on both my Facebook page (www.facebook.com/ellispaulmusic) and the venue's Facebook page (www.facebook.com/ols).
All donations will be split between artist & venue.
We have had an incredible year. I wish you and your loved ones a much better one in 2021.
Sending love to you and your families. My 2021 resolutions are below.
Ellis Paul
- Be still. Even on airplanes. Even in hurricanes. On escalators, elevators, and steel bullet trains
- Be the Weirdo not the norm
- Be the levy, not the storm
- Be the queen, when the hive starts to swarm
- Be Buddhish, not Buddhist. Don’t buy into the “you’re nothing” part, because you are “something” and ever evolving. Seek the something out. Be monkish. But dress snazzy.
- Bring light
- Bring beauty
- Bring jumper cables
- Write. Then write again. Write songs and letters, quotes and notes, scribbles and doodles, to do’s and don’ts, lines with rhymes, lyrics and scripts, limericks and puns and one liner quips, zingers and ringers that spin round a phrase, and grocery list stories that run off the page. Write novels that grovel, unstable fables, a treatise of words that could break an oak table, a haiku, a sonnet, a speech, a play, a love song that takes the world’s tears all away. Write graffiti that makes a beating heart rush, write something so dirty Bukowski would blush, write comedies, jokes, and twenty act plays, tragedies with maladies only Shakespeare would say. Write like your bailing a boat with a cup, write like your pencil will never give up
- Take little bites, and savor them
- Take little sips, of flavor, of sin
- Do 7 and 8. Again and again
- Rhyme less
- Avoid Alliteration Always
- Play with your children
- Laugh with your friends
- Savor your loved ones, but do not eat them
- Treat exercise like a means to an end but not an end that will kill you
- Draw pretty pictures that teach and inspire
- Remember to breathe when your world is on fire
- Remember to notice the beauty you see, wherever you are, wherever you be
- And be grateful enough to fall on your knees
- But bring pillows that make a soft landing
- Meet animals. Make them your friend.
- Watch the last rays of a sunset end
- Empty your mind from time to time
- Remember that being lost is no crime
- Apologize quickly and sometimes before
- And remember what saying “I love you” is for
- Forgive all you can, even when it’s your fault
- Less sweets
- less bourbon
- less butter
- less salt
- When in doubt, repeat the above
- be here
- be present, and
- love
- love
- love
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