Be The Fire
Be the Fire
When it’s time to shine, shine the brightest
When it’s time to fly, fly the highest
When it’s time to work, work the hardest
When it’s time to stand up, stand up tallest
When it’s time to love, love the strongest
The kind of strength that comes from being honest
Life is short; life is long
We get it right; we get it wrong
We let go when we hold on…and sometimes it’s to nothing
When you find you’ve lost your way
Down to your last drop of faith
Your back’s against the wall….just be a fighter
When the darkness come to take you….be the fire
When it’s time to speak, speak with kindness
When it’s time to laugh, laugh the wildest
When it’s time to cry, cry to heal it
When you make a promise, be the one to keep it
[Repeat chorus]
The only thing that holds you back
Is the mirror that you’re looking at
[Repeat chorus]
When it’s time to shine, shine the brightest…..